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Cannot Please Everyone: I Said "No"

 For the longest time, I was trapped in the need to please everyone around me. I was the one who always tried to make my friends happy, often at my own expense. If someone was in trouble, I felt it was my duty to fix things, even if it meant ignoring my needs. The word "no" was like a curse, a mortal sin that I dared not utter. Saying "no" meant I was letting people down, and that was something I couldn't bear. But living this way was exhausting. I was a prisoner of my beliefs, convinced that my worth depended on making everyone else happy. The more I tried to please others, the more I realized how impossible it was. No matter how hard I worked to accommodate others, there would always be someone disappointed and wanting more. This endless cycle of guilt and self-blame began to take its toll on my mental and emotional well-being. It took time, but I started to understand that I couldn't control how others felt. People's happiness isn't solely my resp

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