COVID 19 And Its Impact on Students- The Good and the Bad-

 COVID 19 and Its Impact on Students- The Good and the Bad-

Ever since the origin of the COVID 19 pandemic, the sudden shift to e-learning has certainly overwhelmed students. 

Apart from the massive impact COVID 19 had on the global economy, the second most impact it had was on education. As the spreading of the virus was controlled, students returned to schools while still following the COVID 19 protocols. During these times, one of the most challenging tasks to do was to balance the health risks connected with on-campus learning. During the patchwork lockdowns, online learning became the need of the hour. 

However, just like the two sides of a dime, there has been a good side and a bad side to how online learning impacted students and their lives. 

The Bad Side-

On the negative side, when the educational institutes shifted towards online learning, they didn’t have much support. Online learning began in March 2020, where it created panic among students and teachers on how to carry on with it. On the other hand, the struggle didn't end here. When exams and tests were conducted, students used online websites and software and cheated. 

According to the National Library of Medicine, the research survey found most students were overwhelmed with the new normal.  And hence, now suffer from overwhelming anxiety and extreme stress. 

The Good Side

Every cloud has a silver lining and so, whatever happens, happens for good. Similarly, there are parts

where online learning serves a good purpose. As schools shifted to online learning, students stayed safe and continued their education. It helped in curbing the spread of the virus. Moreover, most universities and colleges slashed the tuition fees in half. Students were given online lectures, class lecture recording, book PDF, and basically, provided with every help. 

Moreover, now travel restrictions are relaxed. Students living in hostels can visit their families without worrying about their classes, as online classes can be taken from any part of the world. 

Students have become tech-savvy. They now know how to use different websites to improve the quality of their work. In the unpredictable times for humankind, developing young minds, in particular, has been a challenge. Unlike on-campus learning, where most parents turned a blind eye regarding their children's studies. While home learning parents had to play an equivalent role by making daily routines, assisting in communication, and improving new ideas to strengthen the effectiveness of this educational strategy. The hybrid mode required teamwork and equal amounts of work from parents, students, and teachers to seek the new learning environment. 

The Bottom Line-

Once a wise man said where there is a problem, there lies a solution. In a nutshell, the impact of COVID 19 on students has been harsh. The patchwork lockdowns and the uncertainty made students worry more about their education rather than completely understanding it. Moreover, there was too much going on in the world that was exhausting students. 

However, with all the obstacles, there was good too. Students learned about new websites to improve their quality of work, remote learning has helped them become more tech-savvy, and most importantly, in the new normal, technology has been one of the most significant help in student lives. 


  1. The outbreak of COVID-19 is detrimental to university and college students’ affect. During the outbreak response, we should strengthen the guidance and regulation for negative affect and pay attention to improving the positive affect of university and college students. COV

  2. The impact of COVID 19 in terms in learning preferences is that we are suffering some circumstances that we cannot avoid directly. We are able to create an effective environment for the better online school base but sometimes we feel that were not capable to learn from it because there's no communication at all. In this time, all we need is to have productive and establish good way of learning especially to have connection to others. It has a big impact for us student hence you should take action and be responsible enough at all times. There's a good and bad impact for us but we cannot control ourself sometimes to think some negative situations. All we can do is to have an prior objectives and take that experience to determine to reach your goals in life. Dont lose you hope because of the situation let this makes an inspiration for the betterment for yourself not only for yourself but for the future generation.

  3. Because face-to-face communication is prohibited during a pandemic, it is extremely difficult for students to develop new learning skills. But we don't have a choice and must continue to study what our teachers have told us about the new way of learning. We currently offer flex learning, which is a combination of home-based and face-to-face learning methods. As a student, I'll make sure to do my responsibilities as a student in order to achieve my dreams in life.

  4. This pandemic made me realize many things and thankful of what God has given me. I experience so problems on this pandemic but I always think positive and trust his plans. Online class is not easy but I manage my time to adjust and focus on my goals. All we need now is to stay safe and always pray that this pandemic will end.

  5. Impact of COVID-19 in every students suffering some circumstances that we can't avoid everyday. As one of a student still learning amidst the pandemic, we don't have any choice but to fight and learn to create the effective environment for online learning. Always do your responsibility, don't give up and keep fighting.

  6. This covid-19 pandemic made us realize how our health is important.We face alot of problems and struggle on how to survive this pandemic but at the end of the day we did it,we overcome our problems and struggles.When it comes to education we all know that its a big adjustment for us to study at home because theirs alot of problems that we encounter like the internet connection hinder our learnings but as a student that we want to graduate we must look the bright side of this pandemic to our studies.

  7. The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is having a profound impact, not only on people’s health, but also on how they learn, work and live. Among the most important challenges created by COVID-19 is how to adapt a system of education built around physical schools.A holistic approach to education – that addresses students’ learning, social and emotional needs – is crucial, especially in times of crisis. School closures related to the current COVID-19 pandemic mean that students from diverse backgrounds who are more at risk of increased vulnerability are less likely to receive the support and extra services they need,

  8. Students have become tech-savvy. They now know how to use different websites to improve the quality of their work. In the unpredictable times for humankind, developing young minds, in particular, has been a challenge. Unlike on-campus learning, where most parents turned a blind eye regarding their children's studies. While home learning parents had to play an equivalent role by making daily routines, assisting in communication, and improving new ideas to strengthen the effectiveness of this educational strategy. The hybrid mode required teamwork and equal amounts of work from parents, students, and teachers to seek the new learning environment.

  9. Pandemic made me realize how other people are being responsible and following the rules. And others are just being 'do not care if they are not being responsible for following the rules. Covid -19 pandemic had a very big impact on people whose suffering from this problem. For me ' the lesson of this pandemic is to, learn how to be responsible and live like this for the mean time. Online classes made me realize the difference of self study and the instructor discussion, online classes are hard because of limited gadgets and using the internet. We can survive this pandemic soon but also we should be responsible for our doings.


    The impact of COVID-19 in our nation for now is so very affordable to all cause this pandemic student suffering some circumstances in our nature for everydays life that we encounter.This pandemic I realize many things that I may encounter
    and thankful for what God given to me for everyday that I do in my life.

  11. Every cloud has a silver lining and so, whatever happens, happens for good. Similarly, there are parts

    where online learning serves a good purpose. As schools shifted to online learning, students stayed safe and continued their education. It helped in curbing the spread of the virus. Moreover, most universities and colleges slashed the tuition fees in half. Students were given online lectures, class lecture recording, book PDF, and basically, provided with every help.

  12. The Covid 19 made us to adjust and adapt the lifestyle that we used to.Especially students who been suffered from the new learning which is online classes.As a student we should be resourceful and responsible in terms of learning. But also we should take good care our health and also our mental health.

  13. Danilyn A. Camit

    Every cloud has a silver lining and so, whatever happens, happens for good. Similarly, there are parts where online learning serves a good purpose. As schools shifted to online learning, students stayed safe and continued their education. It helped in curbing the spread of the virus. Moreover, most universities and colleges slashed the tuition fees in half. Students were given online lectures, class lecture recording, book PDF, and basically, provided with every help.

    1. Students have become tech-savvy. They now know how to use different websites to improve the quality of their work. In the unpredictable times for humankind, developing young minds, in particular, has been a challenge. Unlike on-campus learning, where most parents turned a blind eye regarding their children's studies. While home learning parents had to play an equivalent role by making daily routines, assisting in communication, and improving new ideas to strengthen the effectiveness of this educational strategy. The hybrid mode required teamwork and equal amounts of work from parents, students, and teachers to seek the new learning environment.

  14. In the article I read I agree of some facts about learning online due to pandemic. As a working student it give me less in payment fee in our tuition. I can also help my brother and cousins in their module while answering mine. In this situation helping together ,gives hope to one another.

  15. Definitely, this Covid 19 pandemic change a lot of things. Face to face on-campus learning, where most parents turned a blind eye regarding their children's studies. While home learning parents had to play an equivalent role by making daily routines, assisting in communication, and improving new ideas to strengthen the effectiveness of this educational strategy. Most students suffer from mental health like depression, anxiety, stress and worst they commit suicide. I hope that this pandemic will stop so that we can move freely .

  16. The COVID 19 pandemic teach us how to be affectionate person towards each others health especially to our family because we don't know what would happen on the next day. But this is not all about our health but also the adjustment and adaptation of this new normal learning, as a college student it's really hard to achieve this E-learning the struggles of every student who don't have a good internet connection but still striving to surpass this new learning system towards the pandemic and look for the positive things.

  17. This pandemic give us fear and struggle in life but this pandemic make us to learn how to be strong and wise on how to adjust and how to cope up with this situation.As a student it is hard to us to learn not actual in school but just in online only and module.But it makes us develop and discover new internet application that really help us on this situation.Despite this hardship there is also a hope to continue our journey that a lot of obstacle we encounter.

  18. Covid19 has a big impact on our education .I can say it is the most challenging where you would balance your learning and you health risks .Most schools shifted to online learning where we students stayed safe and continue edcucation

  19. This pandemic is so many struggle come in my life like financial problem because my mother and father got fired in job because of pandemic so many company that they close the store . Other one is face to face class is affected and the students will decrease the learnings they got because so many struggle in the online class first of all is the connection like when you far away in the city second is financial problem.

  20. This pandemic makes me became a better version of myself. I prioritize spending time with my family coz suddenly life became unpredictable. I am not afraid of failure but I am afraid regretting things I should have tried if I'm brave enough to pursue it. Online learning is not easy, I don't have someone I could ask if I don't understand the topic. Having internet connection helps me to search more ideas, explanations and examples but leaning at school is still different. I hope everyone would get vaccinated so that Face to Face class will be back soon.

  21. Vevien Leigh Obenieta
    This pandemic has a big impact to all of us especially me as a students. We are in a new normal where we study online. All of the students, teacher and school are adjusting to this new normal. Just as said in this article there are positive and negative impact on studying online but despite the negative effect of this online class we manage to survive and pass by adjusting on learning this new normal.

  22. This pandemic taught me many lessons as student. At first, it's very hard for me to adopt this new normal considering many factors that affects my learning habits. One of these is my location where we don't have good and stable internet connection. Also, I find it quite difficult do my homeworks knowing that I have to do some chores at home. It's never been easy, until now I'm still adjusting to it. But looking at the bright side of this pandemic, this gave me the opportunity to get closer to my family. Our bond became stronger like never before which I am thankful to God.

  23. Lorie Mae P. Española
    The impact of COVID-19 on the students of different age groups: time spent on online classes and self-study, medium used for learning, sleeping habits, daily fitness routine, and the subsequent effects on weight, social life, and mental health. Eventhough it's hard for us that we are not go to school to learn but we are now accept and learned through online with the help of our teacher's and self study as well. Moreover, in order to deal with stress and anxiety just do and pass all tasks and activities as early to chieve a better outcomes in studying then limit negative thoughts just focus on positive one. All student’s from now on engage on social media like doing research and active in social media issues. This pandemic we should take time to manage our work and studies especially for us a college students. To enhance the learning experience by students it mitigating the negative impacts caused due to the COVID-19 outbreak. But I still believe that we can back to normal soon just believing in God and always keepsafe.

  24. The COVID-19 pandemic left students and colleges struggling. Students faced financial challenges that put their education in jeopardy, had new living arrangements that made learning difficult, and often lacked the resources necessary to even log onto class online. Colleges invested time and money to pivot classes, activities and services online in a matter of days and simultaneously suffered the loss of essential tuition and auxiliary revenue

  25. This pandemic COViD 19 had serious implications on the lives of every student, like me. The time spent on online classes, self-study, sleeping habits, daily routine, social life, and mental health. Everyone is adjusting, but this pandemic thought us to be independent and be the best version of ourselves despite the failures and challenges we encountered. But instead of giving up, we should strive harder to reach our goals, do what we want as nothing can stop us. It is better to do something than regretting. There's a big difference between what we are in the past in this new normal. How our life revolves inside our home, thought us to spend a lot of time to our families and loved ones. And hoping that one day everything will went back to normal.

  26. Because of this pandemic , a lot of students are having a hard time to adjust themselves in studying. It's gives students stress and anxiety incomes to on how they can catch up their lessons , how to have a good internet connections and etc. We the students want to complain about this new normal but we have no choice but to follow. Because we all know that Schools are also concern about their students on how they can continue thier study in this time of pandemic. COVID-19 are giving every individuals a hard time to adjust . Because of this pandemic we the students are suffering to develop our new learning skills. Online classes can't give students the same knowledge as what they'd get when they're attending face to face classes. Pandemic made me realize the importance of teachers and instructors . The advantages of this new normal classes is , parents can guide and take good care of thier childrens and also because of online classes , students now had an idea on how to use different websites on how to improve thier works. We have nothing to do about it but to rely on God and do our very best to surpass this problem. Maybe this problem will end soon . And we can go back to normal.

  27. COVID-19 pandemic has had a strikingly negative impact on us as a student. With this our schools take steps to emerge from the pandemic and we believed that we can and we have an extraordinary opportunity to move forward with full awareness of the essentials that needs to be addressed. By taking close account of the disparities we face today on this pandemic as we plan for the future, we truly can ensure that all of us students from different schools have equal opportunity to participate, learn, and thrive in schools with the help of online study and enhancing social interaction among us in online education throughout the period of this pandemic.

  28. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges to students, educators, and parents. Children already coping with mental health conditions have been especially vulnerable to the changes, and now we are learning about the broad impacts on students as a result of schools being closed, physically distancing guidelines and isolation, and other unexpected changes to their lives.

  29. Covid-19 had the hardest time for me as a student, because that’s where I felt depression, anxiety and frustration. You as a student are accustomed to always having people around you. Imagine, four corners in one room, but I also learned a lot here, and there were opportunities that I tried and I witnessed the things that I thought I couldn’t do it.


    Due to covid-19 pandemic everything has change the daily life of a person. As a student at first it was hard for me to adopt the new normal learning or the online class. I have difficulties in internet connection and the gadget I have. But then, when the time goes by I am already capable with it, I already adopt the situation we have. This pandemic teach me a lot of lesson, and make me the best version of myself.
    This pandemic money is not important, the important is our health and our love ones, we should always protect ourselves not to get Infected by the virus. We should always protect ourselves,our family and our community. This situation made me realize that whatever your status in this world you can be infected by this deadly virus.

  31. Covid really affects to our economy, many employers lost there jobs, some of business closed due to this virus spreading in the world. But back to the certain issue this pandemic also affects to all the learnings of all the students but there's also an anvantage to all working students just like me.

  32. Pandemic change our lifestyle, mindset, and on how we live everyday. It taught me how to be strong, how to keep going and how to be thankful despite with the anxiety and depression I'd felt. Many people already passed away because of Covid and I'm grateful that I'm still breathing and still striving for my future. It's a greatest blessing nowadays if you're still alive, it means you have still purpose and has a chance to become better. This situation also is an opportunity for us to bond with our love ones. It's never been easy to accept and adopt the new normal, I just hope this will end and the jobs and opportunities will be back for those people who's suffering financially.

  33. In the article I read, the Covid19 made us to adjust and adapt the lifestyle that we used to. Especially students who been suffered from the new learning which is online classes. As a student it is hard for us to learn and it's never been easy, but despite the negative effect of this online class we manage to survive and pass by adjusting on learning this new normal. The struggles of every students who don't have a good internet connection but still striving to surpass this new learning system towards the pandemic and look for the positive things.

  34. R.N Klun Marañon
    COVID-19 is not only a global pandemic and public health crisis; it has also severely affected the global economy and financial markets. Significant reductions in income, a rise in unemployment, and disruptions in the transportation, service, and manufacturing industries are among the consequences of the disease mitigation measures that have been implemented in many countries.

  35. The Covid-19 pandemic has both positive and negative impact for each of us. As a student, I'm finding it difficult to adjust to this new way of learning. In addition to my coursework, I have obligations in our home. It has taught me to become a multi-tasker. However, this pandemic provides me with ample opportunity to engage with my family, share personal stories, and learn how to deal with similar issues.

  36. Covid 19 is a threat for us.It affect the whole wide world the people and its economy.As a student this threat is our stepping stone for our studies .

  37. In this pandemic there so many people who affected by the situation especially those students . In this kind of learning that it's very different from before but many students did not give up on their dreams. We are still achieving our goals whatever circumstances we faced.

  38. This pandemic have caused a great many changes to daily life in recent days shows us how terrible it really is to waste our lives, embroiled in endless battles for wealth and status and power. People are facing challenges this year that have never happened before on this scale This pandemic i experience a lot of problems but I always think positive.

  39. Covid 19 Pandemic have greater impacts on our life. It changed everything that we used to be in a new normal life like in education. Education starts to adopt e-learning method but not all students can access on it. But inbehalf of this, it helps us as a student to be resourceful and be responsible in all our activities.

  40. The pandemic had a negative impact on academics. And I also agree that some student were only more concerned about passing than understanding the lessons. Even it's hard we still have to try to understand it, since it is still our loss. Me as a student, I had been also attacked by stress and anxiety but I found myself coping mechanisms to. The occurrence may had a negative result but it also level ups the quality of education. Using technology as a medium between learners and learning.

  41. Covid-19 bring students in some difficulties where most of us struggling with. It was the new normal that some of the students are not capable of learning new ideas virtually. It was very difficult to adjust in doing activities online, presenting online as internet was our new world to be exact. At this time of pandemic we know how to be independent when it comes on studying. As of the moment we don't have a choice but to follow the health protocols. Education might be the key to success, it may be difficult for us but we can learn from home and while dealing in school works at least we are all safe.

  42. Covid-19 challenges an individual to survive. One of the life challenges for me as a student is how to overcome education without face-to-face meetings, discussions, and learnings that will tackle and learnings that can be enhance inside our school premises. Good thing that they provide alternative sulotions inorder to provide quality education despite this hard time of pandemic.

    Lyann Francis L. Cordova

  43. Covid-19 Crisis has a rapid impact on our daily lives. Online Class is not that easy, especially to those student who doesn't have a stable internet connection. Luckily, our proffesors, teachers, and staff understand this kind of situation. They don't force their student to attend all of the classes despite of the bad internet connection. But, despite all of the challenges and crisis that we are facing we never forget God since we all know He's always there for us and will never abandon us in this crisis. We fight as ONE FAMILY.

  44. Covid-19 pandemic changed a lot in our lifestyle and also in our studies. It gives negative impact that in the first we find it hard or difficult to adjust the new learning but times goes by we used to this kind of set up. And also it give a good impact to spend a lot of time to our family/loveones. During this pandemic we learned that time is precious.

  45. This pandemic gave me a lot of realizations about life, all of us feels the impact of this pandemic but here we are still being brave to face it. As a student, it's really challenging to adjust ourselves to this kind of set up but what we can do is to face it and accept the fact that this is the new normal.

  46. This pandemic has brought problems, challenges and also taught us so many things in life. First is to us students, we had a hard time coping up with the subjects and lessons because of the new mode of learning. Let's just hope and pray that this pandemic will end soon.

  47. As a student in this pandemic world I had realize that studying isn't easy. It made me realize that coping up with bundle of modules and activities is stressful especially those lessons are not familiar with me. But I always learn to manage my time. Time management is important in doing the task between school and at home. This pandemic world made me realize that studying isn't that difficult if we give time and importance in each and everything

  48. This pandemic of Covid-19 changed a lot in our lives. It gives to the people negative impact, struggles and challenges everyday. I stay engaged communicate with my professors or peer in my classes regularly, proactive reaching out my proffessor about my concers or question about the topic. And i take a breaks to help keep my body and mind to be to be alert all the time. This online class is not easy, and makes student challenge to learned.

  49. Covid 19 pandemic has a positive and negative impact bin our lives. As a student we need to learn to manage our time and do a multi-tasking. We learnnon our own,study on our own and work all the activities on our. Students adjust in this new learning system,same as the teachers who needs to give more time and efforts to provide the learning for their students. In the other hand it has also a positive impact to us,as a student and as a child we also have a responsibilities in our home. This pandemic situation give us the opportunity to help in our house and to our parents. It is also our opportunity to spend more time with our families.

  50. Covid has not just impacts students’ social lives, however, but also their education. For most students, learning has been largely moved to online. Lecturers and teaching staff have had to grapple with zoom, teams, and lecture recording.Covid-19 has seemingly impacted almost all areas of our lives. As a student, chances are that were experienced serious disruptions to our education. The impact of Covid-19 as a student’ life has been huge, especially for those at university.

  51. This pandemic has brought fear and problems to each of us, but it has also taught us on how to adapt to new ways of living. It gives us a lot of realization and it also helps us to improve our self and our connections to our family.As a student, I suffered depression, anxiety, and lots of sleepless nights just to submit all of the activities. But as time passed by, it taught me on how to manage my time while doing my school work and house chores. However, this pandemic provided me opportunity to be close to my family and it taught me how to be more responsible and never give up easily, that whatever problems we encounter, we should face it even if we fail many times.

  52. Covid 19 pandemic has a big impact on my life as a student. It made me realize that no matter how hard it is as long as you have the perseverance in your self you can achieve everything. At first It was hard for me in engaging the remote learning because I am lack of internet and the gadget I used was full storage. Also in getting my modules was so hard because of the quarantine protocols that our Government implemented. But as time passes I've learned to accept that we can't go back to the life that we had before the pandemic so I think for a way that I will not suffer to this pandemic. I follow the safety measure to avoid the spread of Covid 19 and I focused my attention to be a responsible student and a daughter. I manage my self to have a time management so that I can balance my time in attending my classes and also to help my parents in the household chores and the business they have. As a student we should help ourself to understand our lesson . We can have the self study or else we can also ask our teacher for the things we think difficult so that they can help us to understand. Don't make this pandemic as a hindrance in achieving your goals instead make this situation as an inspiration to achieving your goals and dreams. Just Pray and be positive always. We can go through this.

  53. The impact of the pandemic and its consequences are felt differently depending on our status as individuals and as members of society. Some try to adapt to working online, homeschooling their children and ordering food via Instacart. Others have no choice but to be exposed to the virus while keeping society functioning.

  54. This pandemic was challenged individuals on how to survive in these very difficult times. All of the students suffer from this particularly in this mode of learning. We're having difficulties due to the loss of internet connection and how we managed our time between school works and household chores. But despite all this, indeed we made this far and praying and hoping that this pandemic will end soon.

  55. Bordador,April Rose

    COVID-19 pandemic has introduced uncertainty into major aspects of national and global society, including for schools. For example, there is uncertainty about how school closures last spring impacted student achievement, as well as how the rapid conversion of most instruction to an online platform this academic year will continue to affect achievement. Without data on how the virus impacts student learning, making informed decisions about whether and when to return to in-person instruction remains difficult. Even now, education leaders must grapple with seemingly impossible choices that balance health risks associated with in-person learning against the educational needs of children, which may be better served when kids are in their physical schools.


    This crisis which is covid-19 pandemic has a huge impact in all people it's because many lives are suffering in this kind of situation. As a student it is hard to adopt this kind of scenario were the classes must be online and I have difficulties in the internet connection as well as lack of gadgets to use for online classes. When the times goes by I adopt this situation. Also I learned to be a responsible and open minded kind of individual in facing to those things that may happen.
    And in this times our health is our priority first because whatever our status in this world can be affected in the deadly virus which is called covid-19.

  57. COVID-19 has impacted everyone in ways we could not even imagine. As far as education is concerned, it has closed a few doors but also opened new ones. Now, students will have to face the new reality of studying from the comfort and safety of their homes. This has left them with more time on their hands to pursue new skills and explore new learning horizons.It gives us pressure not just a student but also as a person because we're not ready for this challenge in life it is new to us that's why we have to make a big adjustment to survive these new way of living.
    The good effect of COVID19 to us is to teach us to work together, follow the following rules for our safety, COVID-19 teach us more, teach us to trust God, to pray and it also teach us to stay at home,  to love and care for each other.
    The bad effect of COVID19 is many person are dying because of this pandemic and also many of us are  suffering for our mental health because we can't go outside and also some of our parents are suffering to earn money to buy our  foods or what we need of this time of pandemic and COVID-19 is our big enemy.

  58. COVID-19 has a big impact on students since we need to make an adjustment from face to face to online classes. I've encountered a lot of challenges in virtual learning since sometimes I've lost my internet connection and I was not able to attend my class, stress and anxiety. Additionally, I'm working as a CSR, online seller, student, and doing household chores, it's not easy for me to do these things but in this pandemic it's quite an advantage for me since it's online class and I am able to go to work and be a online seller but before to do anything , I'm always make sure to finish all of my activity. Also, many of students have a bad connection, no cellphone and they need to borrow for them to attend their classes and breakdown. However, the advantage of online class are students perceived the COVID-19 pandemic helped them to be connected strongly with their family through out the COVID-19. Moreover, students learned about new websites to improve their quality of work, remote learning has helped them become more tech-savvy. In this pandemic, we need to trust the plan of God since I know that we'll be back in normal one of these days and PRAY since prayer is the most powerful weapon against trials.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. COVID-19 pandemic gives us a very hard situation especially to those students. The method of learning is very different from usual. There are a lot of students who are suffering from difficulties especially to those less fortunate students who can't afford to buy gadgets for their studies. To sum it up COVID-19 has disadvantages but also advantages.

  60. This Covid-19 pandemic ruined everything its not only ruined livelihood of every individual but also it ruined every students hope to learn a lot of things for what career they wanted to. Although, online learning is now a new normal its still different to what face to face classes can student equip from it. Yes there are a lot of ways nowadays students can do to attend class but to the fact that its pandemic they are still doing hard time accesing classes especially if they are located in a remote area. You must be lucky enough if your living in an area which internet is not an issue. Hopefully face to face classes will go back nextyear not because as a student we are sick of attending online classes but also we wanted to learn a lot of things in real basis.

  61. Nene, Stephanie Amor M.

    Pandemic is the most terrible things happen in each everyone of us. Our normal life change , the smile that we use to show freely was hidden behind the facemask.Our economy struggles a lot, schools became one of the ghost place and internet became the support and way to continue the dreams of every student. One thing made me realize that pandemic is the way to go back to God, be strong and everything happens for a reason. As we go through our journey in life, pandemic will be the lesson to everyone, to stand still in order to reach our dreams,love one another and unite.

  62. During the first year of pandemic, many students, especially in the lowers year suffering from adjustment in the way of learning. From face-to-face learning set-up that turn into online learning. Pandemic that brought student in mental abuse that students may not continue in online learning beacuase of several factors that affect their learning.
    1. Lot of student suffering from bad internet connection or signal due to their areas of concerns.
    2. Not everyone can afford to bought smartphone and internet.
    This is the common factor that student face nowadays. But fortunately due to that factors lot of instutitions find a better ways and chose which modality your gonna to take. Specifically, PHINMA Educ. Network, offer flex learning and rad learning set-up of online learning. Because the PHINMA Educ. Network believes that education can find a better way of living.

  63. This pandemic gives disadvantage on student lives because instead of sending them in school, listening to the discussion of the teacher and doing more activities in school, Other students like in secured area they don't know how to learn in modular because of lack in knowledge, also their parents can't help them to teach their module because they are also lack of knowledge. That's why this pandemic gives big negative impact on students not only their everyday lifestyle but also in their studies.

  64. We all have been affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. However, the impact of the pandemic and its consequences are felt differently depending on our status as individuals and as members of society. While some try to adapt to working online, homeschooling their children and ordering food via Instacart, others have no choice but to be exposed to the virus while keeping society functioning. Lots of poor students do not have access to laptops and computers; all these students are naïve, think there should not be this disparate education. In the COVID-19 crisis has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and presents an unprecedented challenge to public health, food systems and the world of work.Adhering to workplace safety and health practices and ensuring access to decent work and the protection of labour rights in all industries will be crucial in addressing the human dimension of the crisis. Immediate and purposeful action to save lives and livelihoods should include extending social protection towards universal health coverage and income support for those most affected.

  65. This pandemic has a big impact to our education that we need to adjust and adobt the new normal learning. As a student it is hard for us to study through online classes especially when we don't have internet connection. We not easily communicate to our teachers for our lessons. In this pandemic we need to self study for more improvement to ourselves, we also need to help ourselves to learn more of our lesson.

  66. Covid 19 pandemic had change our lives, we had a huge adjustments in order to cope up with the situation. As a student, the pandemic had a big impact in my studies where I need to be independent in learning and discovering things that are usually done at school with a teacher and classmates. We had limitations not just in our studies but also on personal lives. But on the other hand, the pandemic gave us much time to spend with our family and give importance to our health. It made us realize how important our health is, and made us experience a new chapter of our lives that gives us realization and lesson.

  67. The covid 19 pandemic has resulted in servere economic and social impacts around the world. Young people are particularly vulnerable to the disruptionhow ever the response and recovery must be done in a way that protects them human rights of all people. Hopefully this pandemic will be end soon.

  68. This pandemic really open the reality of our lives many poor families really experiencing starving because of lose of works and financial support that will sustain their family. It also affect the study strategy of the students because some students are having hard time to focus to thier studies and understand the lesson but still they must go on and keep on fighting. And some of students like me are experiencing mental health issue losing their confident to cope up in a certain things or how should start again to get financial support. There are a lot of things that should we still adjust not only in this thing but also to our mental issue. But times goes by I was able to adjust a little.

  69. In this article it shows how the students suffer and benefits in this pandemic. It has many adjustments to make in the side of the teachers and students but we just need to cope with it. Not only the school's and students affected in this pandemic but also our economy. We just need to help each other and be responsible to our selves in order to end this pandemic as early as possible and get back to our normal life.

  70. In this time of pandemic there are so many problems and challenges that we are facing right now but we should fight and learn new things on how to keep our immune system healthy. As a student we encounter a lot of adjustments for as to be able to continue our study and achieve our dreams. For me, we should keep moving to achieve our dreams in life for us to have a better future.

  71. The Covid 19 pandemic has a great impact to all of us especially to all students. This pandemic make people realized the important thing to their life. Every people experience difficulties due to his pandemic but this challenges help people to be brave and to learn to adjust in this challenging situation.

  72. Covid-19 has affected day to day life of every students and have experienced serious disruptions to their education. The impact of Covid-19 on student's life has been huge, especially for those at university. Covid -19 has not just impacts students' social lives, however, but also their education. The most important is continue to keep going and be responsible to study amidst of pandemic. This pandemic will challenge every students and taught them how to become a fighter and be an independent just to continue their education.

  73. This pandemic had brought a lot of problems in each of us especially to the life of every students. It has positive and negative impact either. Having this kind of situation is kind of hard for us students. Knowing that it is an online learning set-up and we should depend on ourselves to learn. I know we're all struggling not only in self-study but also by having a poor internet connection and obligations at our home. And mostly suffers from depression and stress. But we have no choice but to do what is needed to be done. We need to be strong in everything because no one will do it for you.
    On the other side, in this situation we are together with our families to have a strong bond and connections. Despite of what you encountered and will be experiencing you always have to trust God and make actions in order to fulfill your role as a student, as a daughter or son, and a human living in this society. And remember to turn this happenings as a motivation to succeed.

  74. Covid 19 pandemic made me realize that a lot of things change.This crisis give us fear and struggle for being a student.We need to adjust our self for being independent on our studies.Also we suffering a lost of internet connection or wifi. Not only the school's and students affected in this pandemic but also our economy.Despite on this pandemic their always a hope to continue our journey in life."PADAYON LANG"

  75. This pandemic has a huge impact on us as a student we time spent on online classes and self-study.the online education experience provides a much more manageable schedule.also Online education normally provides a chance to study at our own speed as there is no rush. Most online courses are usually enjoyable and more comfortable compared to attending traditional classes. It spares you the inconvenience of having to travel to a particular destination every single day. And also to our business is all temporarily closed it's not easy for us to handle this situation that we don't have a source of income every single day we earn money for the food, but it's really diffecult because of aour businesses's really hard to overcome the crisis because of this pandemic, but we need to be strong at this situation.

  76. This pandemic has made me become aware of certain things in life. My online learning experience has been different than what I'm used to. Online classes helped me learn how to be independent,manage family time and homework.I've learned that to be a successful distance learner, you have to be self-disciplined and able to work well on your own.

    In this time of pandemic, a lot of people struggles on their every day life. So , As a Student I encounter difficulties on my studies, because of distance education. During the lockdown, I primarily raised concerns about my study issues and I'm mainly bored, anxious and frustrated.
    As a students, home-schooling is not easy, yet there is little understanding for lessons. Because separation from school, and fears of contagion lead to a decrease in health.
    I have alot of struggles, in terms of online class because i haven't enough or good network to participate everytime their is online classes.

  78. This pandemic made me realize many things. I experience lots of problem in this pandemic i always trust God's plan becuase everything has purpose. When it comes education many students suffuring their internet connection.

  79. The pandemic that came in our lives were unexpectedly in beyond belief of the most people living in this world that they are living their life normal but unfortunately became the worst thing happen in the journey of their lives. Many has died and ended their lives because of this covid-19. Also we students has experiencing the difficulty in learning the lessons in each of our subject but we should do our part to comply all the requirements and needed to pass the subject then despite of this difficulties we should be strong and surpass this strugle to forfeit this covid-19.

  80. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected educational systems worldwide, leading to the near-total closures of schools, early childhood education and care services, universities and colleges. This challenge us from being a responsible student but if we believe in our self we can face this crisis

  81. Sanchez, Trishia Marie

    Before pandemic, we enjoy a lot of events on our life as students/learner, although that was a quite hard, but we manage to overcome all of those hardship for we are learning about what we are doing. The mistakes we're committing are also the lessons we're learning. As a student I did experience the difficulty of the new normal we are engaging. One of the example of these are my duties as a daughter and as a student were mixing on the same time, to the point that I can't focus on my studies for I have some tasks to do as a daughter. But as time passes by, my time management, carried it well. On the other hand, I could say that this Covid 19 also had a good side on our learning, it helps us enhance our learning about technology. It gives us an extra challenge to fullfil our duties both as students and as daughter.

  82. The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced uncertainty into major aspects of national and global society, including for schools. Most of us (students) suffers a lot, pressure, anxiety, depression, financial problem, family problems, internet connection and many more. That's the one reason to think suicidal is the key to stop the suffering but it's not, the major solution to this is to talk to God your problem surrender it all to him and he will provide you the solution, and that solution is your family. Family is one of our major solution to that problem just talk to them your problem because they are the one who can help you find the right path. Despite of the challenges in pandemic the positive effect of this is we have a lot of time to spend with our family. And that's every important this days. Pandemic is just a challenge for us if we work together we can make through with it and forget it.

  83. The outbreak of Covid - 19 affected the lives of people especially on the lives of students. This pandemic had serious implications on mental health resulting in phychological problems including stress, frustration, and depression. But despite of this pandemic, Covid - 19 taught all students on how to be strong enough and continue fight no matter how hard our situation right now. Through hardwork, dedication and perseverance it only signify that everyone's dream must continue, despite the pandemic.

  84. In this time of pandemic, we are all struggling to survive especially students who are still adjusting to the new normal. It is very difficult for us to learn from modular and online classes because not everyone can afford to own a cellphone and laptop not to mention the availability of internet connection. COVID-19 has a negative impact when it comes to our mental health. Some of us suffered or suffering from depression, anxiety, and stress. On the other hand, it has also a good impact wherein we became more stronger and tougher despite all the difficulties in life. We learned how to value and cherish every moment that we have with our family and friends. This pandemic somehow taught us love, strength, hardwork and kindness.

  85. The outbreak of covid 19 affected the lives of all sections of society as people were ask to self quarantine in thier homes to prevent the spread of the virus. Covid 19 pandemic has a big impact on my life as a student or the other stundent but this pandemic situation give us the opportunity to help in our home and spend more time with our families.

  86. CoVID 19 pandemic, whether you believe it or not, it has a great impact in our lives. The old ways that we were used before no longer existed. In this new normal way of living various modification transpired. New modes of learning and educating existed. It's definitely true! Online learning has a good and bad impact. It will depend on how are we going to respond to it. Managing our time and disciplining ourselves matters a lot in this crucial times. We may have difficulties and struggles, but don't lose hope, try to find ways to overcome it. Believe in yourself and your capabilities. Most importantly trust God, He always provides. "Life goes on, let's live on".

  87. Melvin Camposagrado

    At the age of 26, life has shown me its reality, no rainbows and fantasies, so much more that I am still at 3rd year of college. It might not be the standard age for this level but I wanna use my experiences to inspire other students out there who are struggling both in adjusting to the new normal way of education and in finances. You have more steps to take and this is not the time to stop from believing in yourself that you will get through this succesfully. If I was able to get up and continue my education despite the hindrances that never stopped testing my determination, I believe that you can do it too. Never stop hoping no matter how hard the situation you are in right now. The world is waiting for you to succeed. Keep going, and never be stagnant.

  88. This pandemic makes me realize a lot of things that I didn't know in the past. We all know it is a bad impact due to sudden death of our loveones. But for me as a student has some of a good impact in a way that I can work now and can pay my tuition on my own. In that way I can help my parents in our everyday expenses. The only thing we can do for now is always obey the protocols to avoid the covid 19 and always pray to God to end this pandemic. Keep fighting guys this is only a challenge from God for us to be more stronger and undefeated. ❤️

  89. As A Student This Covid 19 Pandemic will Affect Of Studies Of Every Student Because We Need To adjust and To Face The New Normal. I Know That There Is A lot struggle and Adjustments But We Need To Fucos And follow The Rules and Protocols Of The Government For The Sake Of Our Safety. We Need To Manage Our Time and Discipline ourselves If You Have a Dream We Need To Find away To overcome It,All of us Well Be successfull someday .Continue To Pray And Trust To Our God Covid 19 well End Soon..godbless And Stay Safe everyone.

  90. Elyn Mae M.Queme

    As A Student This Covid 19 Pandemic will Affect Of Studies Of Every Student Because We Need To adjust and To Face The New Normal. I Know That There Is A lot struggle and Adjustments But We Need To Fucos And follow The Rules and Protocols Of The Government For The Sake Of Our Safety. We Need To Manage Our Time and Discipline ourselves If You Have a Dream We Need To Find away To overcome It,All of us Well Be successfull someday .Continue To Pray And Trust To Our God Covid 19 well End Soon..godbless And Stay Safe everyone

  91. Now that we are in amidst of pandemic all students are affected especially when it comes to education, every youth needs to adjust to continue learning. But the pandemic has not been a hindrance to every young person who has a dream in life because we have no choice but to continue to fight to be successful.

  92. In this time of pandemic we have a lot to go through especially in our online classes, they are times when the internet connection is slow but it is challenging for us on how to cope up the activities that our teacher given. I know that all of my co-students will survive this online class if they help themselves.

  93. This Pandemic Covid 19 many people lost their job and suffering in hunger. As a student I'm also affected of the said pandemic ,home based learning is hard for us ,we need to study on our own without the presence of our teachers. But because of my determination to achieve my goal ,I faced it strongly and having faith in god.That's why so far eventhough I'm struggling in my studies but still I overcome it and I didn't give, I keep fighting. And I believe to myself I can do it because there will be bright for tommorow.

  94. COVID-19 have caused a great many changes to our daily life in recent days. One group particularly affected by these changes are the students. This COVID-19 pandemic brought good and bad side to every students. Its good side is that it help us to become more knowledgeable enough to use computers, laptops and other gadgets in connection to our studies. And with online learning it makes us to become more safe and secure in this time of pandemic. And the bad side, it makes me and other students suffer with online learning. Not everyone has the opportunity to have access on the internet and adjust with this new type of learning. With this new normal, students are more prone to stress and anxiety because of heavy workloads. But I believe that being persevere, dedicated, and responsible greatly helps us to overcome those challenges. Also with our strong determination and eagerness we will survive in this new type of learning.

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  97. This article shows that the students need ti suffer first until they meet a path to be success someday. But despite of this pandemic we are facing a lot of challenges in out daily lives but we need to overcome with it to encounter some stages in life to pursue a success goal in life and for the better future. But this COVID-19 brought good and bad side to every students and also to everyone that is really affected of this pandemic. This COVID-19 served as a lesson to be more responsible and practical of what we have and to survive the trials and challenges in our lives especially with our learning strategies.

  98. The pandemic is kind of stressful. As a student I have so many circumstances and difficulties facing right now especially when Face to Face classes became Distance Learning. It is a big adjustment to me and has been different than what I'm used to. Being in a physical classroom makes me only focus on my work and it is much more affective but Distance Learning makes it harder to focus because I can't avoid that i have also focus on household stuff and it is hard for me to concentrate on my work. But I realized that pandemic is not a barrier if I want to achieve my dreams and it helped me keep motivated and learn how to be independent. Now, I know how to manage family time and school work.

  99. This pandemic has definitely made people especially students have a roller coaster ride of emotions. A lot of uncertainty of what's gonna happen the next day but on the other hand it still helped us to be more grateful of what we have and embrace it. Be more helpful with other people even on the most simplest way possible. But above all hopefully pandemic will end soon so we can go back to normal with everyone safe and healthy :)

  100. The articles shows the impact of covid 19 in students. In this pandemic many are changes especially in school.Many students today are adjust to a new normal learning. As a student i suffered because of this virus. Im struggling because i have a poor connection and i dont have a better gadgets. But im thankful because i have a lot of time to study and less expenses and it is possible to study and work at the same time.

  101. It would be an understatement to say that COVID19 has impacted our lives. It basically changed how we go on with our daily activities especially with our education.

    Because of the pandemic and the different health peotocols implemented, schools were forced to change tha way they conduct classes since face to face classes were canceled to avoid contamination. We were left with no choice but to have a modular type or learning or choose online learning. It was very challenging at first since it was the first time I have experienced online learning. Even just getting a good signal to be able to do a videocall was a challenge especially in the place where I live. It also became difficult to understand my lessons because I was used to having a teacher explain everything.

    With all the negative effects of COVID19 on my education, it also has a positive effect. The most significant positive effect I could point out is that because of the pandemic, I became more independent when it comes to studying. I was able to learn how to utilize different tools, apps and websites to do my research, unlike before that I only rely on the results from google search. I also get to spend more time at home, learned how to cook and do household chores and still find time to do all the tasks and assignments or exams my teacher sends. I became better with managing my time.

  102. This Pandemic is one of the toughest reason why we are facing crisis today. It is hard not for me but for everyone also. Pandemic teaches me to be more protective, safe, clean and be mindful of our personal health. One of my life experiences is that somehow I feel stressed and alone due to staying at home and avoiding people that I often seen a lot before and hanging out inorder to relieve stress. Somehow I thank technology nowadays because it ease the gap between those spaces and by that I feel better.

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  104. There is always a reason behind everything and this Pandemic has it purpose. If going understand pandemic this made people realize that we must appreciate life and existence, giving value to relationship and family. As humans become careless this serve as a lesson in every aspect and level parents must taught their children what is right, education start from home. And adults must do what is good this is how people take everything for granted and I cannot question why is this happen.
    Everything stops and as I am I have a fair share of bad experiences during pandemic I rattle how I handle my studies how I enable to finish my works and it's exhausting. Stress became my friend Im having a hard time learning my modules and major subjects. However this brought good side also I learned to become attentive and conscious about school that everything circulate through internet our way back of passing and communication is in form of online.
    I'm thankful that technology was discovered it brought convenient to everyone in all aspects and I cant wait that everything is going back to normal.

  105. REA RENES
    this article showing us how all the students suffer from this all we call COVID19 PANDEMIC for me, all student's are adjusting in this time because of the modular type of lesson., But with the help of our beloved teachers, I know we can do all this things we can vope up modules and lessons activities. One by one, and also with helping each other as team be responsible to do all the tasks. I know we can fight this challenges continue studies and to be successful. To have a better future 💛

  106. This pandemic have a reason maybe pandemic is bad cyz we experience a shortage and scarcity in this society right now. We adjust some our livelihood cause of pandemic. But pandemic teach me how to work in your own feet you just be yourself and don't be ashamed in all.


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