Dogs Always Prove to be the Best Creatures

 My Boy Tanner

A happy child, old couples clutching together, and a puppy dog strolling beside his owner are just a few examples that may put a smile on nearly anyone's face. Pet owners will go to great lengths for their pet dogs, and that feeling of affection is almost certainly reciprocated since dogs are devoted sociable creatures. Our tail-wagging, ball-fetching, dirt-digging, bird-chasing doggie buddies are generally our guardians and greatest mates, and the deep relationship between dogs and humans dates back millennia.

Dogs have an amazing, instinctive capacity to make humans happy. Call us insane, but we think it's their puppy dog eyes, silky hair, overall sweetness, and unwavering loyalty. Some dogs have been termed companion dogs because they are so adept at making people feel at ease. 

I lost my father in 2019, and all I could experience was despair, grief, darkness, and whatnot. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was spiraling into deadly despair. I almost woke up in the middle of every night and cried my heart out, until I got myself a puppy and saw my life change for good.

And I couldn't tell you how he spared me from the pain I was experiencing in the aftermath of my father's death:

  1. My dog was unconcerned about my acute sadness

When I was upset, my dog would be the first entity to break down a barrier and accompany me in my misery. His company was life-saving. He slept with me when I was weary, and sat quietly next to me when I was unhappy.

  1. He was constantly looking forward to spending time with me

Since people terrified me, deep sadness caused me to push everyone away and isolate myself. Tanner, on the other hand, wanted to be with me all the time. My loneliness was relieved by this symbiotic desire.

  1. He didn't require me to explain anything

Tanner didn't require me to explain to him whatever was happening in the same way that my mother and physicians did. It might be exceedingly difficult to express psychological suffering. And yet when words escape conveying our plight, a dog doesn't mind. They simply want to be with us, and that safety, strangely, aids us in ultimately expressing our grief.

  1. He escorted me outdoors

When I was down, I sat on my father's couch. I never left the house. I sat in front of the television, ate something, and slept. I saw myself falling asleep and never waking up. When I first got the dog, he needed to go outdoors, so I went with him. Getting outside was therapeutic in and of itself.


  1. As you know I've experienced many of those same feelings and emotions as you have over the past years. My beautiful boy was my lifeline and kept me from spiraling into depression. The love of a dog is unparalleled in the fact they give you their unconditional affection. Your account of how he 'saved' you can be recounted by millions of people who have had a similar experience. I only wish that their life span was for a considerable amount of time longer than it is. Enjoy the love, laughter and companionship they bring to your life. Good work Heg.👍🙂🙏

    1. I’m taking your advice, MB. I fear that one day, he’ll cross the rainbow bridge, but instead of expecting it, I’d rather enjoy every moment with him.

    2. And also, I am sorry about Bob; I witnessed how much he means to you.

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